Finansiële dienste

Network Financial Services

Dit is soms moeilik om die tipe versekering wat jy vir jou familie of onderneming nodig het te identifiseer sonder om eers met ‘n ervare versekering adviseur te gesels.

Ons adviseurs is daarop toegespits om jou individuele behoeftes te verstaan en ‘n lewenslange verhouding met jou, jou familie of jou besigheidsvennote te bou. Ons heg waarde aan menslikheid – ons wil verstaan wat jy doen en hoe ons kan help.

Ons bied gratis professionele advies aan jou. Wanneer jy met ‘n polis begin ontvang ons ‘n betaling van die versekering wat jy gekies het vir die advies wat ons aan jou verskaf het. Ons is hier om enige van jou vrae te beantwoord oor ons adviseringsproses, en ons blootleggingsdokumente is beskikbaar by enige van ons adviseurs.

Ons sal jou help om ‘n ingeligte besluit te maak en sal jou ook help indien jy ‘n eis wil indien of as jou omstandighede verander.


It can be hard to identify the insurance you need for your family or business, without actually talking to an experienced insurance adviser.

Our advisers are dedicated to understanding your individual needs and building a lifetime relationship with you, your family (and/or) business partners. We value the human touch – we want to understand what you do and how we can help.

We offer free professional advice to you.  When you start a policy, we receive a payment for our advice from the insurer that you choose.  We are here to answer any questions you may have about our advice process, and our disclosure statements are available under each adviser.

We will help you to make a well-informed decision and will help you if you need to claim or if your circumstances change.

Kontak Network Financial Services

64 800 275 637
16 Harvest Avenue, Orewa, New Zealand
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