Cape to Cairo – Bunbury
Cape to Cairo is beslis jou enigste bestemming vir tradisionele kos, tophandelsmerke en kultuurprodukte uit Suider-Afrika. As Wes-Australië se grootste invoerder, groothandelaar én kleinhandelaar van immergroen gunstelinge soos Mrs Balls-blatjang, Ouma-beskuit, regte Black Cat-grondboontjiebotter en Jelly Tots, verskuif ons Afrika se grense. Ons wye verskeidenheid biltong en droëwors, plaaslik gemaak volgens tradisionele resepte, kenmerk ons lank reeds as meesters van die kuns. Dan is ons natuurlik ook die logiese keuse vir vars tuisnywerheidgebak soos melktert en koeksisters. Besoek een van ons vier winkels in Wes-Australië vir ’n proetjie outentieke Suider-Afrikaanse kos en kultuur, of plaas eenvoudig ’n bestelling aanlyn. Ons doen besendings na oral!
Cape to Cairo spog met winkels in Osborne Park, Canning Vale, Rockingham en Bunbury.
Cape to Cairo is definitely your only destination for traditional food, top trademarks and cultural products from Southern Africa. As Western Australia’s largest importer, wholesaler and retailer of evergreen favourites like Mrs Balls chutney, Ouma rusks, real Black Cat peanut butter and Jelly Tots, we are shifting Africa’s borders. Our wide range of biltong and droëwors, locally made according to traditional recipes, has long ago established us as masters of the craft. Then we are of course also the logical choice for fresh home made pastries such as milk tart and koeksisters. Visit one of our four shops in Western Australia for a taste of authentic Southern African food and culture, or simply order online. We handle shipments to any place!
Cape to Cairo boasts shops in Osborne Park, Canning Vale, Rockingham and Bunbury.